I Know My Name

1 Peter 2:9

My name is NOT victim. My name is NOT liar. My name is  NOT outcast. My name is NOT  weird.  My name is  NOT  bad. My name is NOT Teresa or Larry. My name is NOT sexy. My name is NOT fat. My name is NOT ugly. My name is NOT insecure.  My name is NOT abandoned. My name is NOT cry baby. My name is NOT left out.

My name is Asiret Harvey and I am:

1 Peter 2:9

Growing up I have been called so many different names that I identified as. The names above describe what people either saw me as or the label they put over my life. 

There are many reasons why our generation and the ones under us are not becoming who they really are.

The desire to live up to the name they are being called. Not saying the child acts bad because of the title you gave them. BUT why not be bad if you already have claimed that over their life? 

The power of life and death is in your toung- Proverbs 18:21

Don’t be shocked when your child acts out in school when you have claimed death over their life. Don’t be shocked when you have claimed defeat over them even before they started. Speak life into your children! Do not  allow family to instil death in their life either. 

It is NOT disrespectful to stand up for your children. God made you accountable for them. 

Speak up for your children.

 Speak to your children. 

Let your child know that when someone calls them jealous, that is NOT their name. When someone calls them bad that is NOT their name. Don’t be  ashamed to correct that person who is calling your child out of their name. You set the tone in your child’s life. If you allow others to speak over them your allowing that death to enter into their life. You do not know the impact that will have over them for forever

The death labels given to me over my life had their way in my life for many years now. The only difference now is I KNOW MY NAME

I went to a conference this weekend Shout out to #Holynation 2017. This conference made me get completely out if my comfort zone. It made me confess things I’ve never confessed. It made me worship like I never had before. It made me lose my voice, but most IMPORTANTLY it gave me true confidence to walk in my NAME.

If I told you that someone’s breakthrough was waiting on you getting uncomfortable would you believe me? If I told you that the enemy has been using others to give you names that dont belong to you..would you believe me? When you walk in a different name, your purpose is not being fulfilled. When your purpose is not being fulfilled your testimony becomes distorted. When your testimony is distorted it is only holding someone else’s healing back. This walk is not just about you.  The enemy is banking on you not knowing your name. Don’t let him get the victory. You are:

1 Peter 4:9

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God‘s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.